
Welcome New Lab Members!

There are many new faces in our lab! This summer and fall we welcomed our newest grad students, Minseon Kim and Kayla Kruger, new research assistants, Annushka Veliko-Shapko and Michela Michielli, and current rotation students, Alyssa Weninger and Kathleen Navas.

Best Wishes Chuchu and Chen

Congratulations to Chen Ran and Chuchu Zhang for securing faculty positions. Chen will begin at Scripps Research Institute while Chuchu will start at UCLA. We look forward to your future work!

Fellowships, Awards, and Prizes galore!

Many postdocs and students earned prestigious fellowships!  Congratulations to Adi (Human Frontier Science Program Fellowship), Danny (Goldenson Fellowship and Goldberg Fellowship), Jingyi (Helen Hay Whitney Fellowship), Marito (Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) Bridge to Independence Award and Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (BBRF) Young Investigator Grant), Maša (American Diabetes Association Fellowship), Nao (Tojuro Iijima Foundation for Food Science and Technology grant), Nipun (Helen Hay Whitney Fellowship), Rachel (Damon Runyon Fellowship Award and Damon Runyon-Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists), and Silvia (Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship and the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholarship)!!

Congratulations to Catherine Gallori for receiving a prestigious Hoopes Prize from Harvard for her senior thesis. We wish you the best of luck during your MD/PhD!

Ahhh Choo...

Congratulations to Danny for his Nature paper on an airway-to-brain sensory pathway that alerts the brain to a respiratory infection through prostaglandin detection, and that evokes sickness responses. Please see the news stories and briefings below for more information:

Nature News:

Science News:…

HMS News:

Research briefing:

The actual paper:


We are excited to welcome new postdocs: Masa Josipovic from Cambridge, Meg Allison from Michigan/MGH, Shan Lu from Columbia, and Rocio Pena from Yale!

We will miss you Soohong

We wish you the best of luck at Novartis! The baroreceptor field will not be the same without you.

Welcome New Lab Members!

We are pleased to welcome new postdocs Jingyi Chi (from Rockefeller), Nipun Basrar (from Rockefeller) and Zhikai Liu (from Wash U) to the lab, and a belated welcome to Abdul Alabi (from Stanford/MGH) too! We are also excited that Silvia Huerta-Lopez has joined the lab as an MD/PhD student. Finally, we are lucky to have Lindsay Vincelette and (also rather belatedly) Ella Douglas as research technicians!

Congratulations to Sara Prescott!

Congratulations to Sara Prescott for winning the prestigious 2021 Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholars Award. I also want to give a shoutout to co-winner Dheeraj Roy, who was in the lab as a technician many moons ago! Great to see them both doing well!

Congratulations for recent fellowships

A belated congrats to Danny (Banting Fellowship), Soohong (American Heart Association), Rachel (American Diabetes Association), Chen (Goldenson Fellowship), Chuchu (Damon Runyon), and Sara (LSRF) for receiving post-doctoral fellowships!


Congratulations to Sara and Ben on their recent Cell paper. Everyone please stay safe. 


Welcome to Marito Hayashi and Danny Bin!

Congratulations to Rui Chang!

Rui Chang just left to start his new lab at Yale! Best of luck to him, and glad that he is still relatively close by!

Welcome new postdocs!

Welcome new postdocs Nao Horio, GaYoung Lee, Soohong Min, Jinfei Ni, Chen Ran and Chuchu Zhang!

Good luck to Qian and Rui!

Congratulations to Qian and Rui for securing faculty positions! Qian obtained an Independent Investigator position at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, while Rui will begin a faculty position at Yale this fall. Best of luck! We will miss you!

Welcome to Sara Prescott!

We are excited to have Sara Prescott join the lab after a terrific PhD thesis at Stanford with Joanna Wysocka. 

Post-doctoral fellowships!

Congratulations to Swathi for receiving the Jane Coffin Childs Postdoctoral Fellowship, to Rui for getting a fellowship from the American Heart Association, to Nikhil for receiving the Damon Runyon Fellowship, and to Ben for obtaining an NRSA. 

TAARs and non-classical amine recognition

Congratulations to Qian Li, Yaw Tachie-Baffour, Zhikai Liu, Maude Baldwin, and our colleague Andrew Kruse for their paper in eLife, 'Non-classical amine recognition evolved in a large clade of olfactory receptors'.

Congratulations to Rui Chang!

Congratulations to Rui Chang, who was given the Outstanding Post-doc Award by the Department of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School, as part of National Post-doc Appreciation Week. 

The smell of death...

Congratulations to David Ferrero, and our collaborators Ashiq Hussain, Luis Saraiva, and Sigrun Korsching for their PNAS paper! This work describes zebrafish TAAR13c as an olfactory receptor for the death-associated odor cadaverine.

Here is a write-up in BBC News:

and the Harvard Gazette:…;

A pheromone from young mice

Congratulations to David Ferrero, Qian Li, Dheeraj Roy, and our good friends and collaborators Marc Spehr and Kazushige Touhara for their recent Nature paper. This work identified ESP22 as a juvenile pheromone that inhibits sexual behavior through the vomeronasal system.

More information can be found in articles from:

The New York Times:

The Scientist:

NBC News:

And a video interview of the lab, "Tears for Fears":

Congratulations Dr. Ferrero!

Congratulations to Dr. David Ferrero, who successfully defended his thesis in record time (n=1). We are proud of you, although this is a bitter sweet moment- you will be missed. We wish you the best of luck moving forward!

Hello Zecai!

Welcome to BBS graduate student Zecai ('CC') Liang, who joined the lab, and is excited to study pheromone responsive neural circuits! Also, congratulations on passing your PQE!

Welcome to new and returning lab members!

Welcome to our new lab research assistant: Yaw Baffour, who comes to us by way of Ghana and Columbia University. Also welcome back to our master fisherman, Adan Horta, who is returning for the summer SHURP program before his senior year at Vanderbilt!

Welcome to two new lab members!!

We are excited that Erika Williams has joined the lab as an MD-PhD student! Welcome!

Alex Kuznik visits us for 6 months from Aachen, Germany, so it is quite possible that he is a Charlemagne descendent. Alex is a joint master's student with our good friend Marc Spehr.

A Carnivore Odor

Congratulations to David Ferrero and all of our colleagues for their PNAS paper!

PNAS link to David's paper, "Detection and avoidance of a carnivore odor by prey"

Story in Nature news: "The smell of a meat-eater"

Harvard Focus magazine: "The smell of danger"

Harvard Systems Biology blog: "The fear chemical?"

HMS Podcast available on iTunes:

PNAS Podcast Interview: